Well kids I know it's been about FOREVER since I last posted and I'll fill in you in why. I've been a traveling freak.
I've been to Oregon, California, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky (of course Michigan) and I'm on my way to Washington state at the end of this week. I've been visiting family/friends and writing when I can.
News on the Sandra writing front: mucho progresso on the rewrite of the book.
ALSO BREAKING NEWS!!!! The website has been revamped (pardon the pun)
Check it out at www.sandratuttle.com and make sure to leave a comment so I know what you think of it. More writing samples are on their way, so keep checking back.
Now, onto this week in Sandra's life.
There hasn't been a whole lot going on but I did discover some great sites and interesting facts.
+This is a wonderful Japanese Artist I have come to love. http://www.fucoueda.com/
Her art is whimsical, the colors gorgeous, her technique amazing--and then there's just that little bit of darkness to them that I ADORE. Check out her site and see some of her great work.
+Next up: Painfully Hip:
The site of Amber Mortensen. Fashion Forward Fare for the Weak of Wallet.
+ Startling News I found out yesterday: The Triceratops never really existed.
For more info see here:
What the Mean Scientists are Saying
But you may find this more entertaining:
5 Reasons They Definitely Existed