Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Finally a new blog from Sandra!

Okay, it's been about a month and a half since I last posted. Shame on me.

Y'all probably want an update huh?

You don't?

You completely forgot who I am?

Oh, you know who I am and don't care?

Well, shit, that's a blow to the ego.

Ya, know what? Screw you, I'm going to blog an update regardless of you and your poor taste. I rock. I know I do, my mom tells me so all the time. ;)

Seriously though, life is progressing. Not as fast as I'd like it to, but I have the impatience gene, so I can't possibly be to blame.

I have two part time jobs and a few prospects on the horizon. Wish me luck with those. I am trying to get out a bit more. I've rekindled a few friendships, but not as many as I would like.

I'd love to meet new people, but I find that my friend making skills peaked in college then fell by the wayside? Anyone else feel that way? It felt relatively easy to make friends in college. For the most part we were all in the same boat--in the land of uncertainty, about our selves, our futures, our lots in life.

I'm 27 and still feel like I dwell in that unsure place. I know I'm coming off of a divorce and a major life change and I should probably be patient and wait for things to work out... and eventually that will happen, but until then I'm going to bitch about you, and you lovely reader get to read about it. Damn, no wonder you didn't miss my blogs, I'm quite the dictator aren't I?

All right, avid readers, in the span of time it took me to write this I remembered a preview for a new show I saw on TV. I found a clip online, watched it and fell in love. It deals with life as a quarter lifer (aged 25, yes I know I'm 27, but I'm a later bloomer, k?) So far it stars a writer and two budding film makers. This is totally my life right? YES! I love it. It is made by the same people who did My So Called Life, which was absolutely what my so called like was like as a teenager as well. I haven't been this excited by anything in a long time.

Here's the clip. Watch it. Love it. Let me know about it.


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