Monday, November 10, 2008

Update on Sandra Tuttle

Well I haven't been here in quite awhile have I?

I got a new job that requires quite a bit of my time, I was in my sister's wedding in another state, I was the copy writer/web designer for a local political candidate and I moved (which required painting 5 rooms of the house after a full day of work) Yeah, I've been busy.

I'm hoping that things have settled down enough in my life to allow me to get back to blogging and more importantly writing.

About writing: I've made an executive decision about Book 1 of the Just Sam series. I've decided to scrap it and completely rewrite the thing from scratch. Why? I write differently than I did two years ago. My voice has changed and editing the piece is making it worse not better. So, when life settles down and I get back to writing... I'll be looking at a blank page. Wish me luck!

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