Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Drive to Missouri: $110 Motel for a month: $500 Quality time with BFF: Priceless

Writing Prompt:

I didn't know what to do. Is there a social protocol for when someone's face starts falling off right in front of you?

Update on me:

I am on the road again--imagine that, wanderlust again. Jack Kerouac ain't got shit on me. ;)

I am currently in Missouri with my BFF CoD. She is my muse and helps me edit my work as I write, so you'd think I'd be getting a shit load of writing done right?


Come to find out, hanging with your BFF is a lot more fun than living in a world of my own making--a world of magic and shit ton of hot guys mind you. We've been hanging out every day, every waking moment and some sleeping ones (bff slumber parties are a must) are spent together. And yet, I'm not sick of her one bit--not even remotely, I think it just gets more fun as we go on.

We have gotten some things done however. She's been a wonderful sounding board and we've plotted some excellent changes for the rewrite of book.

Speaking of the rewrite--is it technically considered a rewrite if you write it from scratch... from a blinking cursor on a blank page? Plus the plot is changing, have a completely new villain etc... Me thinks I'm writing a brand new book and the old version was just a glorified outline--a very in depth outline.

Also on the writing front: I'm attempting NANOWRIMO again. or National Novel Writer's Month. It is a writing community to help you write a novel--or at least 50k words of one in one month's time, the month of November. I did it in 07 and successfully completed the word count. I fear this year I won't make it. Hell, it's day 4 and I still don't have the amount of words I needed for day 1. Ugh! So many fun distractions!

I hope to catch up soon. At the moment I'm filling in changed plot details in parts I've already written. That could explain my less than stellar word count, but no excuses, hey?

It really comes down to this: my first priority here is hanging with my bff, not writing. I thought it would be different and that I'd get a lot done, since she is my muse, but alas, it isn't meant to be.

Ya know what is meant to be? Never ending idle conversation that is entertaining as hell. Not to mention the private jokes, secret bff language, the straw face, loudly singing oldies in restaurants, dancing like zombies and twilight drinking games. Oh and hot guy pics on the internet!

Should I feel bad that my first priority isn't writing? Probably. Do I? Hell no. I have a limited time with my BFF and I plan to make the best out of it. Am I still making time for writing though? Yes I am, not much, but I am.

So I'm having a blast and being semi-productive. That isn't so bad is it?

The video: A friend of mine brought this to my attention and surprisingly I think it looks great. I tend to dislike zombie movies (cause I'm afraid of them) but this one just tickles my fancy.

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