Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm a big wuss... and a little something to amuse you in case that doesn't

I hate scary movies. I love roller coasters, instense storms (seem storm chasing reference from yesterday's blog) physical danger doesn't really bother me... but holy shit make me watch a movie about clowns or a pyscho doll or some killer asian kid and I go flippin' nuts!

The ring... um totally did a number on me, and yes, for the whole freaking week until I was supposed to die, and then didn't. My early demise was supposed to happen one night when I had some girls over and we watched Sense and Sensabilities... perhaps that saved me?

Serial killers don't really bother me, well they do, but just a little. Vampires and werewolves... love 'em! Chucky...? Um just save me the hassle and kill me if you are ever planning on forcing me to watch any Chucky movies. Or better yet, get me a bucket. Scary movies make me sick to my stomach and I feel like I have to hurl when I'm all scared.

I guess the whole point of ths blog is why the hell a I'm writing "scary" stuff if I don't like it? Well, I don't write about stuff that really scares me, but I'm wondering if I should. Would I scare myself? Probably. Perhaps I get so freaked out because I have an active, okay overactive, imagination? Is the part of my brain that makes me flip out the same that allows me to write? Should I feed it or starve it to help my writing?

I'll stop my random raving now and give you something completely different than this... a weird Al moment... it will either annoy the hell out of you or crack you up... for me it was both. The laughing parts are really worth it though.

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