Thursday, October 12, 2006

Measure of Success?


You know you have a good story/movie/book when a porn spoof gets made.

I am on a forum for readers and writers... there is a section for erotica and it had links to adult movies with a plot... which I wasn't sure really existed outside of the bermuda triangle... here are some interesting, albeit humorous, ones I found...

The DaVinci Load... he painted the Mona Lisa with semen...

Space Nuts... take off of Space Balls, which was a take off of Star Wars

Ooh another Dan Brown ripoff... Da Vagina Code.

Young Buns... okay this isn't a spoof of Young Guns, but it should be.

Golden Fingers

The Maddam's Family

8 to 4

Clockwork Orgy

Pulp Friction

And the top ten titles of porn parody according to Eros Zine are:

10. Willy Wanker and the Fudge Packing Factory

9. A Tale of Two Titties

8. Frankenpenis

7. Desperately Seeking Semen

6. The Joy Suck Club

5. ET: The Extra Testicle

4. Shaving Ryan's Privates

3. Schindler's Fist

2. Romancing the Bone

1. Edward Penishands

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