Friday, December 22, 2006

I must say I'm relieved.

I've tried my best to keep my promise of blogging mon-fri but I must say, I'm relieved it's friday. I will have two days off after today. Decorating the tree must've taken quite a bit out of me because my creativity is sorely lacking these days. So I apologize for the lack of interesting blogs lately. I'll try to do better after the holidays.

While I haven't been doing much writing I did look at the query letter I was working on. My trusty sidekick, the Cheerleader of Doom, and I both thought it was pretty good. YAY! Progress. I dont' want to give you the whole letter because it'll give too much away that I want my readers to be surprised at but I'll give you the high concept:

here goes nothing...

What if the world forgot your existence? Everything you owned was gone and your own mother wouldn’t even recognize you, but the monsters you’ve stumbled upon in your new life know you very well.

And now for a sales pitch of a different sort...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, and i hope you'll find time to update it now and then ;)
