Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Word to the wise...

Make sure you are in the right frame of mind before continuing on a story you already started. I went back through some of my stories, some of my darker stories. Then I continued to write book 2 of the Sam series... the result? Well it is written in a different voice than Sam's. I'll have to redo it bah! It may work considering what I was writing about, but I think it will have to at least be revised quite a bit.

The plus side to this little debacle I got myself involved in...? Well I wrote some pretty kick ass description and set the scene well, which is something I believe I need work at.

Random fact about me: I had a speech impediment as a child. There were many years when I didn't talk much. When I did, I had to repeat myself so often that I'd get irritated. I was able to say nevermind fairly well though. To this day I hate having to repeat myself.

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