Friday, March 09, 2007

It's sucking my will to live!


My brain refuses to get into writing mode. I sit in front of my WIP and my eyes glaze over, my brain turns to fuzz and my fingers refuse to type anything. It isn’t writers block, I know where I'm going and I have things to write, I’m just not terribly sure on how the next scene will play out. I could do a writing prompt no problem, I could do some rewrties, but Book 2 or DeJa Vu is screwing me!

I open the file and it acts like the Suck and Cut from Wayne's World... "It's sucking my will to live!"

Last time this happened, I worked around it, but it took me about two weeks to trick my muse. I don't think my muse, Sam, is my problem this time. So what am I going to do about it? I'm going to go to Walmart and Barnes and Noble and spend money with frivolity. If that doesn't solve my problem, I don't know what will.

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