Monday, March 19, 2007

Murphy's Law counterbalances my Irish Luck

I wanted to set up a pattern for my blogs.

Monday: Short story
Wednesday: Rant, random fact about me, recipe... basically Misc.
Friday: Something about writing, what I've learned, haven't learned, problems etc...

So on the first week I was going to try that and introduce it today, what happened? Well a short story didn't want to come to me that's what... freaking bastard. I should've known better than to try to schedule creativity.

I was writing something about a woman held captive in someone's basement. So I was going for suspense and terror here, but suspense and terror were elusive. Dry, boring, dull, cliche were in abundance however.

So I did something I normally don't do, looked for writing resources online. There is nothing wrong with this. I've done it a few times and it's helped. I try not to do it often and I only resort to that when I've already written something, not before. I try to get my creativity out, then try to fix it. So I came upon an article about writing suspense. And while it didn't help me with my short story, it made me think about Inevitable, book 1 and I see some improvements I could make. WOOHOO!

Everything happens for a reason.

Here's the article:
Michele Martinez on writing suspense

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