Friday, March 02, 2007

Lady in Waiting...Staff

Another little intro ditty...

I like having a clean house, but I despise cleaning it. I adore eating gourmet food, but abhor cooking. Such is my lot in life. I was destined to be rich and pampered, I’m sure of it. I can even pull off uncomfortable designer shoes without so much as a grimace. Instead, my unassuming alter ego is a telemarketer by day and my superhero persona is a diner waitress by night. The ability to carry five plates at once on one arm is definitely a super power—and I’m talking the USSR in the eighties kinda super power here—huge.

I’m telling you, dear readers, all of this so you can understand why I wasn’t the least bit surprised when I was asked to save the world. The ability to serve breakfast hash, wear four inch spike heels and make a killer Cosmopolitan saved not only my life, but all of yours. I’ll be expecting letters of glowing praise and generous donations by the end of the week.

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