Thursday, February 01, 2007

A filmmaker who writes books

Read yet another good book yesterday, Mona Lisa Awakening by Sunny. If you like Laurell K Hamilton (post ardeur) you'll like this book. Quite racy in parts. There are a lot of similarities in character interaction but Sunny's world is quite original and very enjoyable to read about. I believe she had a short in an anthology that came out in Jan. and the next in the series coming this month. YAY! It will go on my must buy list.

I may have to add myself to my Monarchy of Suckdom list from yesterday. I didn't get any editing or writing down yesterday. BLAH! At least I read a good book right? Um yeah well I got totally distracted. My hubby and the boys are going camping for Boy Scouts again this weekend so if I'm lucky I will be able to take that time to write more of book 2 and/or edit book 1.

Random fact about me: Hmm some of you may know this but I have a degree in Film Production. I'm not sure if this has helped or hindered my writing. I'm obviously not writing screen plays. I do seem to have a good sense of how action flows. When I write I have a composition for a scene in my head and I tend to write that way. I set the stage and the mood and then go into the meat. I haven't had any bad remarks on this. It'll be interesting to see what an editor has to say about it. Perhaps my writing style isn't all that different, maybe just how I go about writing in my head is.

Random Funniness.

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