Friday, September 22, 2006

Green is the color of the day

Ugh! I'm sick, it's official. My sorethroat has advanced up the corporate illness ladder. It's upgrading to green stuff. You all know what I'm talking about. I went from clear and runny to thick and green. BLAH!

Well now that I've finished Book 1 of the series... Yes that's right, book 1... That means there are more to come, yay! Now that I've finished the rough, I've been a bit aimless. Sure I could start editing but I think I need a bit of time off from this book. It needs to be fresh when I start tearing it apart.

What did I do with my spare time? I revamped my website. Pun is totally intended just so you know. Chiggity check it out...

Also, I made it so anyone can leave comments on my blog now, so feel free. Yes, I've given you people a free pass to criticize of me... I'm a glutton for punishment.

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