Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nagging Idiots on Rollerskates

I lost another freaking blog! I wrote one about how I can't seem to stop nagging even if I want to and then like a retard...

(yes we're talking about me here)

I pulled out the power cord instead of the headphones which is what I was going for.

I am not normally so stupid I swear!

Am I going to fret about it?

No. I'm going to make this my blog, forgot about nagging and do some escapist activity to make me forget about my idiocy.

I think today I will pick having a dance party of one. Besides, really I can't dance this silly in front of anyone so it has to be a party of one.


The Clash: Magnificent Seven

Which is totally a good song to dance like a 70's druginfested slut to. I'm just missing my roller skates.

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