Friday, August 18, 2006

The Little Blogger that Could

Arrrgh, this be me blog of gratitude mateys.

This will be my practice acceptance speech should I ever win anything besides "Person most likely to do dorky fist pumps" My speech for that would be a lot different than this one :-P

I'm feeling pretty warm and fuzzy right now. My friends, family and people I've never met have all been very supportive of me. This whole writing thing can be a scary endeavor for me. I'm totally putting myself out there. My thoughts and all those little people in my brain called characters are out there in the open for the whole world to judge. For those of you who know me, you know this is a big deal. I'm not really one to leave myself open to ridicule. I am one of those people with a gunslinger mentality. I have to have my back to a wall and my front towards the door. Basically, I've not very trusting.

However, with starting to write, I have to be trusting. I have to, first, trust myself. I have to trust that my ideas are good, that people will like them and most importantly, that I have the talent to do them justice.

Secondly, I have to trust my friends and family. I have to trust them to be nice (which really hasn't been a problem.) BUT I also have to trust them to be honest with me. And while I'm not calling my family and friends liars... they may have been nicer to me than they should. In a nutshell, my friends and family could never be reviewers or critics... they either are too nice, or just like everything.

Then I have to trust all those people out there I don't know. I have to trust them to respect me, to respect my ideas and me as a person.

Now I'm a firm believer in having to earn trust and respect. I know you have to trust me too. You have to trust that I will keep my word and do this blog m-f. You have to trust that I will keep writing and actually finish my book. You have to trust that I will do my best and try not to corrupt my artistic integrity for a quick buck.

All I can say is that I will try. I know Yoda said "Do or do not, there is no try." But I have to try before I can do. I'm working on earning your trust and respect. Hang in there with me okay?

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