Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A rose by any other name still dies... or does it?

On Mother's Day we had a soccer game for our oldest son. Since all of us dedicated moms bore the Florida heat... the team bought us roses. I received a nice pink champagne colored rose that was just beautiful. I put it in an old blue glass wine bottle with water and stuck it on the window sill. And proceeded to forget about it... That was... how many months ago? In May? So almost three?

Well, yes three months later I decided it was time to finally check up on that rose. I cringed at the thought of what it looked like. While the rose was dead and effeciently dried in a droopy disposition... the stem was still alive. It was very alive, a fresh spring green color with new leaves on it.

Moral of the story here? I have no idea. I'm sure you can come up with something. Perhaps it is this... you can be given a gift a long time ago and forget about it... but it is always still there... If the rose is talent... it's always lurking there waiting to pounce on you... sometimes you have to search it out. Give it some time and nourish it a little and you'll have something fresh and new to work with... but sometimes you have to trim off some dead stuff for the new to grow...

Talent/natural ability like anything, needs time to rest... but it also becomes stronger when worked/taken care of properly.

So moral of the story? Still don't really know, make something up.

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