Tuesday, January 09, 2007

That Dread Pirate Rewrites again...

Blogger was down when I tried to blog earlier, so this blog is quite a bit late. Sorry for that.

I cut and dyed my hair last night, which means that I now appear to be a completely different person. I have that spy quality to me. Simply change my hair and I have a new identity.

Now, onto my rewrites... well they are being a bit difficult. I know what needs to be put in, and am writing the new scenes, however my character, Sam, isn't at the same place in my head. She has already gone through her character arc and has moved beyond the place where she was in the first book. So it's making it a bit difficult to write. I have to go back there and pretend she hasn't went through the things we both know she's already went through. We all know that hindsight is 20/20, but I can't write it like it is hindsight... so yes, its been a challenge.

On top of that, my writing style has developed and my rewrites may be in a bit of a different style than the beginning of the first book. I have my work cut out for me.

Not being a person who watches tv, at all, I've succumbed to minor peer pressure and got the first season of Firefly from Netflix on DVD. Actually, there was no peer pressure at all. A person with whom I have similiar taste likes it very much so I thought I'd give it a try.

I found some bloopers from the show... Don't wanna give anything away...

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